Cure Medical Intermittent Catheters Cure Catheter Female. Intermittent catheter by Cure Medical. The Cure Medical Cure Catheter Female (6″ long) is DEHP and latex free. These sterile, single use catheters feature smooth fire polished eyelets, straight tips, and funnel ends. The Cure Medical Company believes research is the key to developing a cure for spinal cord injury and central nervous system disorders, donating 10% of their proceeds to medical research. Simply by choosing to use Cure products, you are contributing to a more promising future by supporting research for finding a cure.
Size & Product Code:
8 FR. F8
10 FR. F10
12 FR. F12
14 FR. F14
14 FR. F14NC No Funnel/Connector
16 FR. F16
Each Price: $0.66
Box of 30 Price: $18.55
Case of 300 Price: $177.00
Intermittent Catheters by Cure Medical